Sunday, November 01, 2009

The World War Pope and the Holocaust

The Holocaust saw the death of some 6 million Jews. This was probably one of the most gruesome events in our history, when untold suffering was unleashed on the hapless Jews - a systematic and organized extermination fueled by Hitler's madness. Could something have been done to stop this? What about the Pope? Did he do enough? There is a rumour that Pius XII, the then Pontiff, did nothing to save them. Here's a video with newspapers and significant people of that time revealing some truth about this man's life:

As the video shows, the myth that the Pope remained quiet did not start until years after the death of the Pontiff. The play called "The Deputy" tried to spread this fabricated story, with no basis in facts. Today, decades later, such myths propound as much, if not more than facts. This does not do justice to the real person of Eugenio Pacelli, the Pope during the Second World War.

Myths about this historical icon, who defied Hitler are in fact just lies. This man, as a true disciple of Jesus, extended his hand and his heart to the Jews as if they were his own people. This is a witness of love of God and love of neighbour. Pope Pius XII rose to the great challenge for our world - to follow the Truth and live it out in one's concrete life. Not without reason did Israel Zolli, Chief Jewish Rabbi take the name Eugenio, the first name of this Pope, showing his deep respect for this great man.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:26 PM

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